Saturday, August 22, 2015

Post 17.0

The home building is moving along quicker than expected at this point. However, they will be moving inside after Tuesday, August 25, 2015, so I will have to make calls/appointments with the PM in order to get updates.

Where am I in the process?
I am a few days away from my Pre-Drywall Meeting. The Pre-Drywall Meeting is where you tour your home with the PM so you can view the quality "behind the walls", confirm standard and selected options (i.e., telephone and cable TV jacks, and any changes made per a Change Order Addendum), confirm last minute details that affect framing and finishing materials, review arrangements for completion of your home and review any questions.

On Thursday, August 20, 2015, I had a meeting with Guardian to confirm the security keypad, volume controls stations, speakers, motion detector, cameras and voicelink.

Here are some photos of the inside from that visit:

 Facing the wall between the family room and dining room

In the master bedroom looking into the bathroom and "Hers" master closet.
You can also get a glimpse of the tray ceiling above.

Tray ceiling in master bedroom

The soaking tub is in!!!

This is a photo of the water closet (where the toilet lives)

Photo of the hallway looking into the laundry room

Guest bathroom tub

Facing the wall between the family room and dining room - looking all the way to the front door and living room

Wall in the family room at the back of the house

View from living room towards the family room

View from living room, past the front door into the garage

Partial view of foyer and garage

View from living room to stairs and morning room

View from dining room to family room

View from dining room to stairs

View from family room to kitchen and stairs

Patio french door in morning room

View from morning room doorway to walk up

View of backyard outside of morning room window (not much there, huh?)

View of a little side yard, because I don't have much backyard

View from morning room to where the double ovens and pantry will reside

Brick front

Also, I received a letter with the potential dates of the New Home Orientation (October 22, 2015) and Settlement (October 26, 2015). All I can say is that we are moving along.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Post 16.0

I am really surprised at how fast the framing and roof was constructed! All I can say is way to go Ryan Homes! They started mid-July and it is one week shy of you can see in the photos posted below, I have a roof! Now, hopefully once I have the pre-drywall meeting, things will slow down, but stay on schedule as planned. As of the pre-construction meeting, the PM said I should be looking to close by October 23, 2015. He may be right.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Post 15.0

I guess now I will have updates for awhile until they get inside. They started the framing on August 5, 2015. Here are photos over the last two days...